Saturday 13 August 2016

Marzolf, Saskatchewan July 16, 2016

Marzolf is the name on the abandoned grain elevator. I do not know if Marzolf is the name of the place or a family name or something else entirely. There is an abandoned rail line with the tracks long removed. Nothing else is here. The elevator is behind  a fence so likely private land. This was off of Highway 19 somewhere south of Central Butte, Saskatchewan. You can make out the top of it from the road. It is sitting in a bit of a valley.

Right where access is fenced off. I made out the name via a telephoto lens.


  1. Is grain still grown in that area? If so, I wonder why elevators like that one have been abandoned. Nice pictures.

  2. Is it made of brick? Photo three I really like.

  3. Apparently it is known as Thunder Creek.
