Thursday 31 October 2019

Obligatory Halloween post

Spotted near Tuxford, Saskatchewan. 

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Pre-Halloween post

Spotted in a farm field. 

Just a Big Old Barn

Near Rosser, Manitoba.

- Steve Boyko

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Random note

Some days I am not sure if it is worth taking a day off.

I took Monday off so I could enjoy an extended weekend.

I was out of town on the weekend. Saturday was acceptable, Sunday and Monday were days of nasty wind and intermittent blowing snow of varying intensity and visibility. I also managed to get a flat tire. Even though I told my immediate family I was disappearing for a few days they seem to have forgotten and phoned me a few times wondering if some harm had come to me, simply because they had not heard from me in a few days. My first day back at work is dealing with nothing but a variety of client problems.

I could use some time away from my time away.

Monday 28 October 2019

Plain Lake Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church 1904

Rural Alberta. Not in a town. Drove up and there was a number of vehicles gathering at the church hall beside the church. I asked if it was okay if I took a few photos as I did not want to disturb whatever was going on. Turns out there was a harvest supper taking place.

Bell tower.

Abandoned church hall near the church. There is a new one on the other side of the church.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Summer in Minburn County, Alberta

Encountering snow this weekend. Not ready for winter. Well, I am prepared, my snow tires are installed. I have my winter gear. I do not want to experience winter just yet. 

Saturday 26 October 2019

Abandoned Alberta

Quick post. Trying to take it easy this weekend. Hopefully the back issue will finally go away.

Friday 25 October 2019

Uneeda School 1911 - 1942

Apparently someone in the area years ago remarked 'you need a school" and thus it was named.

Not far from Paradise Valley, Alberta. A steel granary is close to the school and close to the granary someone is setting up a home on the property.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Random wildlife post

Spotted near Nordegg, Alberta September 28, 2019.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Kananaskis Country, Alberta

Texaco Service Station

Fill up your Chevy at Texaco! This is the old service station in Hazlet, Saskatchewan.

- Michael Truman

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Spotted in British Columbia

September 29, 2019 on Agate Bay Road near Adams Lake.

Monday 21 October 2019

All Saints Church, Pleasant Valley, Vermillion County, Alberta

Very small rural Alberta church built 1908 and very well cared for. There is no town nearby. This is a country church in a farming area.

Sunday 20 October 2019

This one was well hidden

Lampburg School. This one was well hidden down a side road. It is in a little clearing behind some trees. If you did not know exactly where it was chances are you would never stumble across it. I could find no readily available information on it. Someone or some group has restored it.

Coal chute.

Windows placed to catch the morning sun.

Saturday 19 October 2019

Old Chevy

A 1950 Chevy 2-door sedan near Hazlet, Saskatchewan. In this case . . . a one door.

- Michael Truman

Friday 18 October 2019

On the road


My back is still in pain and I have pain up and down my spine. I canceled plans because of it. I go years without getting a back issue and I want to get this over with. Hopefully this disappears next week.

More of the same owl

This owl was spotted in Vulcan County, Alberta. I was driving along with a friend down a gravel road and it was on a fence post observing the countryside. I managed to get a few photos with my telephoto lens. I got lucky, this one hung around for a few minutes.

Some years I see a lot of owls. One year I saw lots of snowy owls. This was my first owl of this year. 


October 12, 2019, Vulcan County, Alberta. 

Thursday 17 October 2019

Fall Leaves, Snow and Haybales

We had quite a dump of snow in Manitoba in early October - well before the leaves had a chance to finish falling. At least the farmer got some hay organized . . .

- Steve Boyko

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Abandoned British Columbia

Abandoned church on Agate Bay Road near Barriere on September 28, 2019.

The grounds were very overgrown. A sign on the church St. Mary's. I am guessing it is Catholic. The church was locked.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Laundry is hazardous to your health

Last Friday I left work to drive over two hours to meet up with a friend. Saturday and Sunday was spent exploring backroads in southern Alberta with some walking on the prairie and in the mountains. Sunday night I drove home and arrived about nine at night. Thanksgiving Monday I drove an hour in the morning to meet up with my sister and mother. Then back home to unpack, do the laundry, and get set up for the work week.

This morning I reached into the dryer for socks and felt a unpleasant twinge in my lower back. I have been moving gingerly ever since. Laundry must be to blame.

Finally got my moose

Upper Kananaskis Lake, Kananaskis Country, Alberta October 13, 2019.

A slight turn of the head.

Monday 14 October 2019

Last Saturday night full moon attempt

I really need to learn how to get better with moon photos. It’s a work in progress. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Let's celebrate with some fall colours from the Cypress Hills in Saskatchewan.

Don't eat too much!

- Michael Truman