Tuesday 15 October 2019

Laundry is hazardous to your health

Last Friday I left work to drive over two hours to meet up with a friend. Saturday and Sunday was spent exploring backroads in southern Alberta with some walking on the prairie and in the mountains. Sunday night I drove home and arrived about nine at night. Thanksgiving Monday I drove an hour in the morning to meet up with my sister and mother. Then back home to unpack, do the laundry, and get set up for the work week.

This morning I reached into the dryer for socks and felt a unpleasant twinge in my lower back. I have been moving gingerly ever since. Laundry must be to blame.


  1. Damn cleanliness! I hope you feel better soon. I once put my back out opening the microwave at work. Sheesh, sometimes it doesn't take much.

  2. ...that's the problem with wearing clean socks!

  3. clean undies can be hazardous to your well being, go commando...

  4. I've had a bad back ever since high school. I've thrown my back out gutting rabbits, tying my shoes and brushing my teeth. It can be aggravating! ;-)

  5. I rarely wear socks just because of that!

    Well... I rarely wear sock because I'm retired and have an RV so I can wear flip-flops most all of the time. I generally take the RV to someplace flip-flops, shorts & a tee shirt are sufficient.

    But! I have been wearing socks AND shoes lately (3 times this past week) as I'm going to hang around the PNW so we can spend Christmas with my kids & grandkids.
    After Christmas we'll be heading to the land of shorts & flip-flops!

  6. That definitely proves that housework is a health hazard! Hope your back comes good soon.

  7. The first time my back went out it was a sock that did me in, so I completely understand your misery.
