Tuesday 31 March 2015

Delia, Alberta

About a two hour motorbike trip on March 14, 2015. The weather was warm enough for this time of year, just very windy. The temperature was supposed to be 18C. The less said about that, the better.

A few months ago I was watching the movie "Knockaround Guys" (Vin Diesel, Barry Pepper, John Malkovich, Seth Green). Somewhat recently I was reading up on some small towns sort of near me and while reading about Delia I read that some scenes from the movie were filmed here (on a cursory glance I did not recognize anything from the movie while there).

The ride was a little on the cold side and getting there turned into a bit of a test of endurance. Just getting there became the goal. Once I there the whole place seemed to be deserted, even though a few people were out and about. Personally I should have stayed indoors as well. I will have to go back when the weather is warmer. There are lots of old buildings and someone got the great idea to put up historical markers all over town. You can read the entire town's history just by walking around and reading little biographies on signs. More places should do this. I walked in the general store and it has a wood floor and looks original. Kind or rare these days. Due to high wind warnings I cut my visit very short and did very little in the way of exploring. 


  1. Love the buildings! Looks like a nice little town to explore (when it's warmer)!

  2. Fond memories of Delia, I used to buy beer at the hotel there, even the fact that I was 17 in a land of "must be 21". Many fond memories of the Hand Hills area, north and east to Chinook. Is it still considered a "Special Area" by the government?
