Known for underground and surface coal mining from about 1912 to 1955. There are ruins from the coal mining days. Now it is mainly tourism and recreation. Nordegg is in the mountains. A few hundred people live here. I found the church and graveyard intriguing. No date on the church or what it once was. I would guess Catholic, it is a community church now.

If I was going to be buried in any particular place it would be hard to beat this location. The fences are an attempt to keep the animals out.
A lot of people in this graveyard died very young.
This is a separate cemetery, likely the original. The other one is very close to this one. There are practically no markers in this one however you can see the outlines of the graves showing it is full. I wondered if it was the result of a mining disaster. At times they could not identify people and would just bury them. I did not find anything saying this was the case. Regardless, it is a beautiful site.
The result of a quick stop on September 6, 2015.
I've been in cemeteries where the family plot was surround by a low iron railing, but never with picket fences around them. Interesting!