Friday 18 December 2015

Hairy Hill, Alberta November 22, 2015

Alberta has a few interesting place names. Hairy Hill got its name from the large amount of buffalo hair found on the hills in the area. I was in Hairy Hill after leaving Wostok, Alberta. Both places were on the same rail line that has long been abandoned.

If this is not the smallest Post Office in Western Canada it has to be a serious contender.

A business that was involved in agriculture.

Long abandoned dealership.

Main street. Prairie towns usually have really wide main streets. I have never found out exactly why but they are usually twice as wide. All of the buildings shown are empty. In the foreground are empty lots that once had something on them. As I was driving through a moving van was packing up a house. Some, not many, people live here. It is moving towards ghost town status.


  1. That tiny post office will probably be the next one to close. How sad it is for the people that are left behind.

  2. A community with broad streets had an air of importance about it. I find them fascinating: so many ghost towns or near ghost towns with wide avenues, near deserted.

    1. Thanks for the insight. I always wondered about that.

  3. thay needed the wide road so a team of horses and a wagon can turn around
