Tuesday 28 May 2019

Nasty surprises

I had new tires put on the motorcycle on May 21, 2019. The motorcycle then sat for a week. Yesterday I took the motorcycle to work where it sat for the day. After work I hopped on, backed it out of the parking spot, and while doing so heard a "clunk". I started it, moved a few feet, and heard another "clunk". I immediately pulled over and shut it off. I could not see any obvious problem until I got down on the ground and noticed the brakes completely off the front wheel. This did not make me happy.

When the shop changed the tires they neglected to bolt on the front brakes and they fell off the motorcycle. I carefully got it home and this morning I called the shop and asked to speak to a manager. There is no manager in today, he will be in the following day. I stated what happened and sent them this photo of the brake assembly hanging from the brake cable. I await a phone call to see how they are going to fix this. Thankfully this did not happen at highway speed.


  1. Glad that happened where it did. Could have been disastrous.

  2. That is "cheap thrills"...

  3. Oh wow - good thing you heard the noise and checked it out. What could have happened is too scary to contemplate!!

  4. Holy crap, what a negligent mistake. I bet someone was stoned at work. Or incompetent. Or both.

    1. The guy I talked to at the dealership was freaked and promised to bring it up with management. I await a call.

  5. I'm glad nothing bad happened!

    Reminds me of when I took my 99 Saturn into the dealer for the first oil change. 20 seconds after I drove away, the oil light came on. Apparently they forgot to put oil back in the car after the change. No permanent damage done, but.. oops!

    1. Had kind of the same thing happen with a VW Golf at a VW dealership. Had an oil change done. Drove off, all of the oil drained out of the engine. They came and towed it back to the shop. No permanent damage either.

  6. Damn, I hope you rip them a new one!
    This is why I try to watch any work being done, and have them do a walk through with me after.
