Sunday 12 May 2019

Mother's Day recap

Being the wonderful son that I am I visited mom and took her out for lunch. In addition to that I took out her garbage, washed her car, and filled up her car with gas. For some reason mom does not like to put gas in her car. For good measure I checked the oil in her car.

I am so far ahead of my sister on points I am sure I have cemented my position as mom's favourite. After all, isn't making your siblings look bad the true spirit of Mother's Day?


  1. News flash - you can do all that, and more, for a parent and still not be the favorite. They will make excuses as to why 'the favorite' wasn't present.

    1. True enough. This was an attempt at humour.

    2. "Ahead on points", I thought it was funny!

  2. LOL, the points game is well and truly in play around here. When my son came to take me out to lunch, he asked if I had heard from my daughter yet. "Not yet, but I'm sure I will hear from her." Then I see him texting like crazy. He was texting his sister to tell her he was now #1 and way ahead in points...

  3. I bet she doesn't like having to pump her own gas. No one has attendants anymore except Domo.

  4. Here here! I live 1300 miles away from my mom so a visit is challenging, but I sent her two separate Mother's Day cards a few days apart, just to make sure I remained the favorite kid.
