Monday 22 October 2018

Surprise United Cemetery

This pioneer cemetery is near Richmound, Saskatchewan.

A friend refers to these wood-and-wire fenced graves as "cradles to Heaven."

It is just a little east of the Alberta/Saskatchewan border in a community formerly known as Horsham, now a ghost town.  There was a church at this site but it is now long gone.

This is spring at the country cemetery . . . green, lush and Heaven-bound.

- Michael Truman


  1. Why Surprise? Was that the name of the church? Odd name for a church, if it was.

    1. "Surprise" was a settlement but all that came of it was a school, post office, church and cemetery. The cemetery is all that remains.

  2. Maybe folks were surprised when they ended up there.

  3. Believe it or not, I know someone who comes from Horsham.

  4. Not a surprise that these are great photos. Also I am missing green scenery! Everything this weekend was brown.
