Thursday 23 March 2017

Emergency hay bale post

In case of an emergency. Like a recent lack of hay bale posts. Or post material in general.


  1. Yes... a hay bale!!! My fav... sorry I missed this last is very nice of you to post it ...thanks!

  2. And I must say this is an exceptionally nice bale...a star among its peers.

  3. It looks lonesome & cold. When I lived in Minnesota (Bemidji area) I was buying BRBs from a guy for my goats. In the winter it was too cold to use his diesel tractor (the big one), that was the one that could lift the BRBs into the bed of my pickup truck. His gasoline tractor could put one on the small trailer I had so that's what I used.
    When I see a picture of snow on a BRB I think of the cold... sub zero (f) cold.
    I guess it's not as lonesome as it could be with some relatives not too far behind it..

    Good picture!

    1. In southern Alberta you experience a freeze/thaw during winter. One day it can be snow covered fields, a few days later no trace of snow. There are few places in this province where you do not see bales.

  4. Nice tight bale, and nice tight fence, Yay!

  5. Oh, thank heavens! I was beginning to have bale withdrawal symptoms. :)

    1. I have been remiss. I will not let it happen again.
