Friday 24 February 2017

Corinne School 1911 - 1952

Northwest of Hanna, Alberta on February 20, 2017. There are a number of abandoned old schools in the Hanna area. I have seen very few school markers sponsored by groups. The ones I have seen were sponsored by oil and gas companies. This one is by a local women's chapter of the Dundee Women's Institute in Hanna, Alberta. I have not seen their name on any other old school or historical sites.

Jenn at pointed this place out to me some time ago. I was on my way to the Consort area and I made a point to stop here. There are some great old abandoned schools in this area and I was expecting a bit more. The place has a depressing feel to it.

The school operated from 1911 to 1952. After that it was turned into a granary. There is steel piping wrapped around the building. I would guess it is to strengthen the structure. 

Since I did not want to trespass I walked along the side road then through some dense brush to get picture of the other side. All this while I am recovering from a cold. It turns out there was nothing interesting on this side. The one time you do not look you might miss something so I try to get a good look whenever I am at a new place.


  1. Someone obviously wants this building to survive....must have some powerful memories attached to it.

  2. Thanks BW! Glad you got to see it.

  3. The Woman's Institute was a wide spread group of ladies, my mother was a member.
