Saturday 8 October 2016

Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church

Near Thorhild, Alberta on October 1, 2016. Was on a secondary highway and a sign pointed to a gravel road pointing the direction to Sandhills Church. This was the church that was found so it may be the church from the sign. It might not be the church. I had no idea what the church was supposed to look like, I just wanted to see it. Sometimes you just run across a lot of rural churches.

Love churches of this type. I would have tried to get a much better look at it except it was pouring rain and walking on the grass was like walking on a sponge that could not hold any more water. The sign in from says it operated from 1944 to 1969. The grounds are very well kept.


  1. What a beautiful church. The domes remind me of pictures I have seen of the Russian Orthodox churches.

  2. Very pretty... a small church with a big presence.

  3. looks very well cared a church should be.
