Wednesday 9 March 2016

I finally got my moose

Driving west along Highway 29 east of Lamont, Alberta on March 5, 2016. I was with my cousin, I was driving and she spotted three moose in a field just off the highway. I managed to get photos of two of them, the other was off in the trees. I have seen moose before, this is the first time in years I have managed to get photos. Moose are ungainly awkward looking creatures but I enjoy seeing them. 


  1. That is so cool BW. Love nature :-)

  2. Right on! Were you smiling when you were clicking away? I would've been. ; )

  3. You're right about moose being ungainly and awkward, but that's part of their appeal. They're like manatees that way.
    I'd bet Lisa Lane was right. I bet you had a big grin on your face when you were shooting those pics. I know I would have.

    1. You are right, that is part of their appeal. I have relatives with farms and they see them all the time out in the fields. My problem has been getting a photo.
