Wednesday 14 December 2016

Unknown cemetery December 9, 2016

I took a side road somewhere south of Calmar, Alberta on my way back home. I spotted something through the trees, backed up, and saw a fenced off square. A quick view through the zoom lens revealed a headstone. I did not find any sign saying anything about the plot so I guessed it was likely a private cemetery. It was bitterly cold so I just took photos from the road. About one hundred feet further down the road was a large number of headstones separate from this one. Driving a little further I encountered a farmer in his truck. I waved, he stopped and I asked him about the spot. He told me the grounds did not belong to a church. It is a private family cemetery. 

1 comment:

  1. Those headstones alway make me a bit sad. The local pioneer cemetery here has a few too.
