Friday 16 December 2016

Anthony Hill School December 9, 2016

Jenn at deserves credit for this one. She sent me a note days ago saying that she thought she found a school via Google Maps. I stopped by it on my way home from visiting my mother on December 9, 2016. This is off on a rural road a little east of Usona, Alberta. There is not much at Usona, Alberta. 

This is a classic one room schoolhouse. I would have walked through the snow to get a close up look as it was just barely off the rural road except for the absolutely nasty cold temperatures. It will have to be a trip for another time. It was three in the afternoon and daylight was starting to fade. I am looking forward to the days getting longer and the temperatures warming. I would love to see what it looked like back in the day.


  1. She's a beautiful old school, I am glad you saw it. I am definitely going on a warmer day!

  2. I wish more of the rural schools here in the States were left to grow old. Instead, the land is usually sold, the building demolished and a 3-bedroom rambler style house is built in its place. I would rather see the old schools that had character.

  3. I agree with you Vicki... I do know of 3 old schoolhouses in my area of Ohio that are still being used. Two have been converted to single family residences and the 3rd is just used for storage... that one is sad. I

    BW I love this look of this one... all those windows!! Here's hoping Spring comes early and you can go back and investigate this one again.

  4. My Grandmother, Gertrude McCready (later Gibson) was the teacher at this school 1923-1925.
