Saturday 25 July 2020

The bike is back!

Finally got it out of the shop Wednesday morning. There is a minor fix that is outstanding so it will have a return trip. The shop detailed it for me. It has never looked so good.

I drove it this morning to visit my mother who lives about fifty miles from me. The weather here is finally decent enough to ride it. Spent most of the day with mom and we even went out for dinner. Rode in home in the evening sun. 


  1. Glad you were able to get out and see your mother. Hopefully we will finally get some summer weather. Bike looks great.

  2. This week coming up is supposed to be the hottest week we will have all summer. Take the week off work and get all your motorcycle riding in before the clouds and rain start again, LOL!

  3. Bike looks great! Good that you got it back before the summer is over - now to hope for some decent weather for you to enjoy it. Be safe!
