Friday 13 April 2018

Everybody has to suffer from something


They are really starting to get to me.

Five days in a row last week. A brief respite of a few days and an ungodly headache today. Currently the side of my head feels numb.

A few days ago I gave in and went to my friendly neighbourhood physician about the headaches. I rarely go to see my doctor. He is a good guy, seems to know his stuff, easy to talk to. If I do not think something is seriously wrong I do not bother going to see him. I am a low maintenance client. This time I went because I cannot seem to shake getting nasty headaches. It is seriously interfering with my life and my ability to do things.

I get to go for x-rays, blood tests, urine test, and a CT scan. Hopefully this all leads to some kind of solution.


  1. lots of causes possible BW. Dehydration, eye strain, pinched nerves, new allergies. I won't list all the serious stuff. It is prudent to go find out the cause. Hope you get it taken care of! Keep your readers informed!

    1. I am surprised by the response this post got. I will be getting everything checked out. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Sorry to hear about the headaches. I hope you find there's a simple cause, and the solution to your headaches is even simpler!

  3. Dang, hope you get some answers soon. Prayers Up!

  4. I feel your pain. I get sinus headaches when the pollen count goes above 900. The last 4 days it has been over 4000.

  5. That sucks.. hope you get some relief soon.

  6. Hope you are feeling better soon...

  7. Good move going to see your doctor. You don't want to fool around with medical issues. Do you wear glasses? Another possibility could be that your prescription is serious outdated and eyestrain is giving you daily headaches. I just mention it to be thorough.

    1. I wear glasses. I will get that looked at. I changed my office chair. Changed my computer monitor. I should get an eye exam.

  8. Hope you find the cause and get some relief soon. Praying...

  9. Yup. Get it checked out, BW - you have many miles to go this summer...

    1. Actually - I got that figured out for ya, BW. Stop by when ya have a minute - and don't say I never did nothin' for ya. ;)

  10. I suffered from headaches since I was a kid. Then, about 10-12 years ago, I was prescribed a high blood pressure medication that had a welcome side also eliminated my headaches within a year (this is a common side effect for a small percentage of people). I still get sinus headaches occasionally but the bad ones are gone.

  11. I too suffered for years with migraine headaches without having high BP. My doctor suggested that blood pressure medication might help and almost immediately my headaches disappeared and I haven't had a headache for 30 years now. Good luck with your check up.

  12. Hopefully not blood pressure, but if it is take your pills!!
