Wednesday 23 June 2021

Random post

Stepped out from Bandy Manor to pick up a few incidentals. While I was at the grocery store I took a look for grape jelly because grape jelly pairs well with a toasted English muffin. My local grocery store did not have any grape jelly. You know supply issues are getting serious when grape jelly is affected.

I did not pick up any English muffins. If you cannot have grape jelly to go with them then what is the point?


  1. Peanut butter goes well with English muffins...

  2. Honey goes with nearly anything.

  3. And strawberry jam is even better than grape jelly! Plus bacon and a egg are great on English muffins too.

  4. PB&J can only be eaten with grape jelly.

  5. Do you have orioles up there? Maybe there's a run on grape jelly for them? About the only things I use grape jelly for is the orioles feeder and the occasional PBJ sandwich. But I totally understand the disappointment when your favorite is not on the shelf.

  6. The whole point is that English Muffins are English and Muffins so they do not discriminate.

    1. I discriminate based on being able to put grape jelly on them.

  7. It's really strange what the stores have shortages of - here I wasn't able to get canned mushrooms for the longest time and now it's green beans (we use the beans to make bean salad).

    1. This. It all feels a little like what I was taught as a kid in the 70s was a soviet style supply chain. Options and amounts once taken for granted feel strangely and randomly limited. Not a fan...

  8. The homemade "Mcmuffin" style breakfast is the point, lacking grape jelly, I mean. Better every single time than that truly awful drivethru sammich. Eggs? Over easy, of course. Cheese? Yup, REAL cheese. Bacon? Well, duh... In deference to your locale, I'll even allow Canadian bacon. Now, go, feed proper of a mornin' jelly be damned and, sin n'more. :) Yer welcome.
