Saturday 18 August 2018

Aneroid Cemetery

I passed through the town of Aneroid on a recent trip to the Assiniboia area of Saskatchewan. I like stopping in the small towns and especially at the cemeteries. 

On this occasion I saw someone weed-whipping in the Aneroid Cemetery so I pulled over and went to have a chat with him. As it turned out, my new friend Harley was the sole, volunteer caretaker of this rather large cemetery.  He had spent nine hours mowing it a few weeks before and was now weed-whipping around all the headstones. A big job for an older fellow on a very hot day.

Harley also takes care of a pioneer cemetery out in the country. He mentioned that someone had recently asked him why he took care of an entire cemetery where he had no relatives buried. He said that if he had known all those people when they were alive they most likely would have been his friends.  I like that answer.

Aneroid celebrated its centennial in 2013.

A child's headstone in white marble.

Harley busy weed-whipping around the headstones.

The stone pillars of the main gate were erected in 1929.

- Michael Truman


  1. What one person can do .....

  2. Harley seems to be a wonderful caring person... the world could use more like him.

  3. Those are really nice ornate gates for such a small cemetery.

    1. It's really great to see such nice stone and iron work...especially in a small town cemetery. And even better, Harley takes care of things.

  4. That is around the area my grandparents are both from.

    1. I always enjoy a trip to southern Saskatchewan. Lots to see and people to meet.
