Tuesday 23 August 2022

Road Tripping - Part One (On the road)

The motorcycle has not seen a lot of use lately and I was thinking of selling it. One of the reasons is I have not had a lot of time to devote to it. Another is that I have not found anyone to go on a ride with. I have owned it for about seven years and likely would not get much for it as it is a 2006 with over 60,000km on it. In the time that I have had it I definitely feel that I have got my money's worth out of it.

I had last Thursday and Friday off so put some stuff in a bag and headed out on a ride. Day one was from Leduc, Alberta to Creston, British Columbia via Highway 2 to Nanton, then Highway 533 west to Highway 22 south to Highway 3 then west to Creston.

As soon as I started out I had to run into grooved pavement right in my own town. Not fun on a motorcycle. Once I hit the highwas about a few hours in I began to realize that I missed this. The highway is different on a motorcycle. It was good to just get out and do nothing but ride. 

Once I crossed into British Columbia it was getting hot. The temperature was over 30C. It got to be a problem at Jaffray when I was parked for half an hour due to highway construction. When the flagman allowed the line of cars to go I saw that the road was being repaved and I had to drive a short distance through a heavily oiled chunk of road. I drove very slowly over that. Further down the road I pulled over and broke one of my rules. I shed the motorcycle jacket and gloves for the rest of the day. It was too damn hot.

I obeyed the speed limits for the most part. A number of drivers passed me over solid lines with oncoming traffic in the opposing lane. I was cut off a few times. No highway patrol when you want it. Over seven hundred kilometres later in Creston I decided to pack it in for the day. I did not think I would have a problem getting a hotel room on a Thursday. I was wrong (I really should start planning stuff). The guy at the Ramada irritated me when he laughed when I asked if they had a room. I thought it was a reasonable question when I saw the parking lot was less than half full. They were booked solid.

I found a room in a motel that had seen better days. Thankfully the air-conditioning worked. The tv had handwritten instructions taped to the cable box. I did not bother with it. I grabbed some beer and dinner at a pub, the beer felt damn good going down after riding in the heat. Unfortunately the air-conditioning in the room kept loudly kicking-in and out interrupting my sleep. 


  1. Thank goodness you are here! Let the rain begin...........

  2. Of course, right after you get home.....

  3. Seems like there are more and more morons on the roads and it's becoming quite scary to even contemplate any sort of road trip.
    Your seedy motel sounds like the one we stayed in out west - you haven't lived until you find that every single plug in the entire place was loose (fire hazard, ya think?) AND had to listen to the car alarm from the vehicle next to ours going off every few minutes all night long. Of course there was no night person on the desk so not a darned thing we could do. THAT was a night not to be repeated.
