Sunday 19 September 2021

I got the shot

Pfizer. September 3, 2021. 

I am able to get the second one the first week in October. I felt fatigued for about four days. No discernible side effects.

I am not pro or con on this matter. I did it because I want to travel internationally one of these days. I waited this long because I am reasonably healthy and there are lots of people that I figured could get it before me if they needed it. I knew there would be shortages and some of the vaccines manufactured would fall out of favour. I waited until I knew which ones would win out and waited until there were no shortages. These days they offer to bribe you to sign up for it.

This topic is a sensitive matter. I am surprised that people I know and people that I am related to have become believers in conspiracies. Personally I believe that most people in a group cannot organize a trip to the washroom let alone a conspiracy. It is a bit amusing and a bit frightening to see how people I thought were rational show otherwise.

I am not out to convince or advocate for anyone to get the vaccine. I believe in individual freedom and choice. You do what is best for you.


  1. I got mine the first opportunity I could because I thought the downside was nil and the upside was a good maybe. So far it sounds like I made a lucky guess.

  2. Covid: 54% of hospital patients with virus are fully vaccinated
    Most COVID-19 Patients at Israel Hospital Fully Vaccinated, Doctor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolic’

    1. I posted my position. Others have different opinions and I do not think we know the whole story.

  3. I got it a few months ago - I'm 73,in that dangerous age. It's a matter, I believe, of risk management. I believe no one, and I'm surprised conspiracy people do. Of course, these are the same people that frightened us with out and out lies about events before the election - helicopters all over the big cities, troops stationed outside cities, talk from on-the-ground troops that said they were being mustered to take over and execute Trump's foes if they felt the election was stolen. All lies. I will never trust them again.
    BTW I enjoy your site very much, and hope you keep up the good work!

    1. Feel largely the same way you do.

      Thank you. Starting to feel like posting again.

  4. "Most people in a group cannot organize a trip to the washroom let alone a conspiracy" -- hahahahaha, you got that right! And a WORLD WIDE conspiracy? Even more unlikely, LOL!


  6. I truly hope you sail through with no ill effects, ever.

    I do like your photography. And I'd like to see some of those locations in person... if for no other reason than to smell the air while I'm there.

    1. I want to visit Texas sometime. I know it is a big place.

  7. We're fully vaccinated (Pfizer as well) and no real side effects beyond a little fatigue and a localized bit of an 'ouch' at the injection site. The alternative just isn't something we want to explore at our age so it was a no-brainer for us. Those that don't get it are putting themselves and those they love at risk but it's their decision and it's them that will have to suffer the consequences if the worst happens.
