Thursday, 23 September 2021

Fifty-six is too young

My friend lives in a very rural area. I knew he had COVID. I did not know he was that sick. For obvious reasons I had not seen him in person in a while.

Last night his wife called an ambulance. They performed CPR on him on his deck and took him to the hospital. He did not make it.

He leaves behind a wife and three kids that he loved. For the last few years it was hard to meet up with him. He worked four twelves and picked up as much overtime as offered. He worked as much as he could because he was concerned about the future.

Take some time to enjoy the time you have. Life is fleeting.


  1. That's what makes covid such a sonovabitch -- how random and unpredictable the symptoms are. Maybe you'll just cough and be nauseous, maybe you'll die. There's no way to know which it will be until it happens. And it happens fast. I feel bad for his wife and family and for you too.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. Way too soon.
    We should, as you said, enjoy every moment we can while we can.

  3. I am so very sorry, BW. Grieve as you must. But also remember the good times. It does help.

  4. Life is too short.. Sorry for you loss.

  5. Sorry you have had this loss. It hurts I know. Best of luck with your healing.

  6. Enjoy the time you have because life is fleeting - very wise words that we all should pay attention to. Take time to grieve and try very hard to remember the good times.

  7. So sorry to hear of your friend.

    Any age is "too young" when there are kids at home.
