Friday, 14 August 2020

Tiny houses are nothing new.

This is just a few miles west of Tramping Lake, Saskatchewan. The sod house is a replica of the original and is quite small. From what I have read and heard a sod house would keep you warm in winter and was cool in summer. A sod house was the first home for a lot of settlers. This is the second sod house I have seen in my travels in rural areas.

Way too dark to get any more photos of the inside. There was a bed and a stove inside. This was as much interior detail as I could get on a photo.


  1. Thank you. That is my first time to see one up close.

  2. A very interesting blog. I've seen a couple of sod houses and they looked very much similar to the one that you've photographed here. Few people really understand the roll that sod houses had for the early settlers.

  3. Can't imagine living in on. Dusting and sweeping up would be a chore!

  4. Interesting to read the sign and see the date of 1905...but then to see that the '1st sod was laid in 2005'. That's odd!
