Friday 17 January 2020

Anthony Hill revisited

This is an old abandoned one room schoolhouse near Usona, Alberta. I have posted this one before. If I am near certain places I usually take a detour to see if some old buildings are still standing. A favourite barn that I would drive past at St. Francis, Alberta - and that I liked to photograph - was burned down by the landowner a couple of months ago. It was kind of odd to see an empty space where a grand old barn once stood. So sometimes I like to check on other places to see if they are still there. This is one of them.


  1. The building looks particularly forlorn in the winter. I can imagine it when it was new, painted, smoke coming for the chimney and the laughter of children.

  2. Look at all those windows! And not triple-paned either, in the old days. I bet that place was cold in the winter. But they probably had a wood stove going full blast.

  3. Pretty sad looking, but hanging in there...
    Thanks for the explanation.

  4. Nice. Just look at all those windows which HAD to have been cold in the winter time. Feel sorry for those that had to sit near the windows!
