Saturday 7 September 2019

Francois Lake Ferry

August 31, 2019 was the first time I have been on this ferry. It is south of Burns Lake, British Columbia, operates year round, and can carry fifty-two vehicles. Crossing time is fifteen minutes.

I have taken every free ferry in Alberta and Saskatchewan so I thought I would try to work my way through the ferries in British Columbia. I took the ferry with the thought that I would grab something to eat on the other side then catch the ferry back. On the south side of Francois Lake there is not a lot of civilization and I found that there was no place to get food or anything else. There was a place not far from the terminal, it closed a few years ago. After a few minutes of driving around I drove to the terminal to wait thirty minutes for the ferry to return. To get to a main highway you have to backtrack and I needed to get back to Highway 16. 

This must be a popular place at times to warrant a ferry this big. When I crossed it was less than half full. I might have to make a return trip sometime to see what I am missing.

North end of Francois Lake.

South terminal, also known as Southbank. 

1 comment:

  1. There used to be a ferry a few miles upriver from here that was only open in the summer, but I don't know that it's still in business.
