Friday 20 July 2018

She's a Brick House

Ow, she's a brick house
Well put-together, everybody knows
- The Commodores

I stumbled across this old brick house on highway 3 near Medora, Manitoba. Our family was staying in Boissevain, Manitoba. I had a morning to take photos, so I was driving around, updating my grain elevator photos (see Medora's grain elevator). When I saw this house, I had to stop and snap a few photos from the road.

It looks to be in pretty good shape, and given its location right on a highway, it is very visible. I imagine someone keeps a close eye on this building.

Southern Manitoba has a lot of abandoned buildings. It's a good spot to drive around and see what you can see.

- Steve Boyko


  1. That was a mansion in its day. Hey, is the big turtle still standing in Boissevain?

    1. Yes, the big turtle is standing in Boissevain, holding an American flag in one .. hand? and a Canadian flag in the other.

  2. I wonder if it ever had a LITTLE brick "house" out back?

  3. Excellent! I have seen Tommy the Turtle lol, I was there once for a wedding.
