Sunday 7 January 2018

Maybe I should post something . . .

An interesting start to the year. There was some horribly cold weather New Year's weekend here in Alberta. Temperatures -30C and colder are never any fun. It is much nicer now. December 31, 2017 I happened to get hit by the flu and spent the evening experiencing cold sweats. I came into work even though I should have stayed home. Everyone at work is sick as well. On the plus side I have lost weight being sick. A liquid diet will do that.

Being sick plays with your thoughts and dreams. Or it does to me. For some reason I dreamt about the fact that years ago I rented the movie "Into The Night" on three separate occasions and never watched it. I have yet to see it. I woke up in the middle of the night a few nights and could not get back to sleep. I ended up reading articles on the internet on topics ranging from Jimmy Durante to Mr. Wrestling II. The things you do to try to get back to sleep. As an aside, I used to live in a small town in northern British Columbia many years ago. For some reason we got television station TBS out of Atlanta, Georgia that had a lot of dubbed Japanese programming and Georgia Championship Wrestling where I saw Mr. Wrestling II. I never saw Jimmy Durante in anything.  

NyQuil is vile but it works for me. I pay no attention to the recommended dosage. I take it until I stop coughing. Of the two flavours, green and red, green is the more palatable. Why you would make a cold/flu medication in the same colour as phlegm escapes me. NyQuil supposedly makes you drowsy. It usually keeps me awake.

Speaking of work the place where I am employed was sold and the new owners took possession on December 28, 2017. There was no change in staff and I am doing the same thing I have done before. I am reserving judgment on this change as I am not sure what to expect. I have not had enough interaction with them to feel if I am comfortable with them or not. I am still trying to figure out what the new owners and management are all about and what they want to accomplish. Details have been a little vague.

A few people have let me know that they want me to keep posting. I likely will, I doubt that I can maintain the past pace of an originaly photo post a day. The other problem is that I upload stuff as a draft post and clean it up and post it later when I am at the office. I may not be able to get away with that in the future. A daily post was starting to get difficult since I was using my material and I am also not that interesting. By the way it was nice to hear from those who said they missed me.

I currently face 2018 with no debt, some money in the bank, my account with my lawyer is in the black, and I have a trial date for my pending divorce later this year. The legal fees should take care of the no debt part in due course. My wife had me served in March of 2014 and never followed up with actually divorcing me. I forced a trial date and I will have this resolved one way or another later this year.

Posts from here on will be when I can post something.


  1. I've looked forward to your posts but I understand that blogging should be fun, or it should be a job. It takes me enough time that it should be a job!
    I have admired you folks who get one out a day, I don't think I could do it!

    I enjoy your outlook, please keep it up if you can & good luck with the other stresses on your plate!

    1. It is fun. Coming up with material has been an issue.

  2. A post per day is a punishing pace. Like many bloggers, I did that when I first started blogging. Then I slacked off to weekdays only. Now I'm down to 2 or 3 times a week. That's still plenty!

    Sorry to hear you're sick but your medicated dreams sound crazy, man, crazy! Woo hoo!

  3. Once a week will be a good number with occasional entries thrown in when something happens. I do enjoy your blogging. I went through a divorce 21 years ago. It was an event to remember and the after the divorce time has been great.

  4. I look forward to any blog posts you make I really enjoy seeing the photos.

    Many years ago my older sister and I travelled to Canada to visit my aunt and her family. Her children were spread across the country so we got to see quite a lot of the country. The furthest west was in Fernie. It was fascinating to me. Crow's Nest Pass fired my imagination. Your blog reminds me of that wonderful trip.


    1. I lived in Sparwood years ago, just down the road from Fernie.

  5. I was married once before, many years ago, for about five years. Even "amicable" divorces are no fun. Post when you can, we'll be waiting.

  6. Sorry you are sick but glad you are back. Checked the blog every day anyway. I couldn’t post as often as you did so I understand. You could always post pictures of snow balls and snowmen until the hay is cut and bailed. :)

  7. Post twice a day! JK, look forward to anything you post.
