Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Braehead School 1925 - 1962

A little west of Nanton, Alberta on January 8, 2018. This school is not on its original site. I was on a rural road with a friend who was showing me where this was. We were taking photos of it from the road and a farmer pulled up to feed his cows. He let us come onto the property to get a close up look at the school. He told us back in his younger days he attended this school. He was busy so I did not want to bother him much. The cows were not very friendly.

It has been used as a farm building for years and there was nothing of note on the inside. I thanked the guy a few times for letting us get a close look. I never did get his name.


  1. I guess it's better to be used for something rather than nothing. There was a lot of work that went into it to let it go to waste.

  2. Despite the weathering, it still looks like a good, solid building.

  3. Interesting shaped school! Kind of cool he has his old school on his property!

  4. My Mom went to this school in the 1930s
