Thursday 5 January 2017

Wostok School, Wostok, Alberta December 31, 2016

Wostok is practically a ghost town. Not all school sites in Alberta have a marker. This one has two.

Someone went to the time and effort to erect a sign noting the superintendents, teachers, and students that attending this school.

The spot is just inside someone's property. This building was behind the markers. It likely is not the one room school. I have seen one room schools that look like this so on the chance that it is the school I thought I would post it. This site is about a mile west of Wostok. The town used to have a rail line that ran through it. The rail line was taken out years ago which helped kill the town.


  1. That's quite the school sign!!

  2. The erecting of the sign listing students, teachers and administrators is a thoughtful thing to do. I would love to see a list of teachers and students that attended the two room school I attended.

  3. That's an elaborate sign! Nice find BW. I think Marianne School has the biggest marker I've seen.
