Sunday 14 April 2024


I have been in the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital since Tuesday. This is a good place. The food is good.

The staff here are very friendly and helpful. Believe me that makes a difference when you are in a new place with new procedures trying to get better. The staff was friendly at the prior hospital, here they are friendly in a different way, they are more centred on you.

So far I have been introduced to dieticians, doctors, nurses, a social worker, and most importantly physiotherapists. They want you to get better. I have had some sessions with physiotherapists. I have told them as soon as I was introduced that I will do whatever they want willingly and I will try my best because I want to get better. Range of motion in my legs is better than I thought it would be. My knees are stiff from the operations and scar tissue. It will get better.

I cannot put any weight on my legs for about ten more days. I have to be cleared by the doctor that operated on me. I may have to have more x-rays to check how well the bones are healing before I am cleared to put weight on my legs.

I have been in a wheelchair a few times and taken it for a spin. I took it to the elevators to the third floor where there is a garden area and a recreation room. I found a pool table and discovered there is no damn way I can shoot pool in a wheelchair. 

No idea when I can get home. Possibly June. The goal here is not to get you home fixed, it is to get you home safe. I have been told that I should make a full recovery and that may take up to a year. Quite a change from weeks ago when one doctor told me I might not walk again. Once home I will be using a walker until I do not need it. I was told not to consider driving for five months. Since my car was totalled I would need to buy a vehicle. On the bright side I am saving money with no car expenses.

I have been in three hospitals for over eight weeks. I have been unable to enjoy simple everyday activities. I am putting in the time and work so I can eventually leave this place and carry on to the next phase. I am grateful to make it this far.


  1. Sounds like you are in the best place to be cared for and the fact that you're willing to put in the work means you will get out sooner rather than later. You got this!

  2. Glad you're liking it at the Glenrose! Every day you'll be working on improving. Onwards and upwards, as they say!

  3. Glad to hear you're in a facility that encourages your recovery. Wonder if they are prescribing supplements such as calcium, zinc, vitamin D? Garden area sounds like a daily trip to me. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

  4. My best to you on your rehab. I have been in rehab situations a couple of times and feel you have the correct attitude to it. Good luck,

  5. My ex was there for December through February. Great staff and they won't send you home until you are ready. Good luck BW!

  6. is not for quitters!

  7. Great news that the rehab facility is good. I hate to assume, so have they given you a list of things to have at home before you go back? Like any grab bars needing installed, etc. that could take a minute to get on the schedule to get them installed. Maybe that will wait a bit until they see how your recovery is going and what your needs are though.
    Good on the lawyer. Stinks that it happened at all, at least you weren't on the bike though.
    I'm glad you can be mobile even if it is in a wheel chair. At least you can get a change of scenery other than your room.
