Wednesday 6 April 2022

Saskatchewan has more interesting stuff

I like to take road trips into Saskatchewan because they have more interesting things to see in terms of old buildings than what you find in Alberta. This is an old school near Edgeley, Saskatchewan. Not a lot of buildings of this type in Alberta.

No clue what school it is. It is long abandoned and there is a farm not far from it. The roof is fairly new so someone is trying to preserve it. I got a few quick shots from a damp gravel road.


  1. A fieldstone school? Pretty swanky!

  2. Quite a number of unique stone buildings in Sask. Odd that there is no information about this school, given that it looks like it is being looked after.

  3. Saskatchewan is my "go to" place as well. Lots to see.

  4. Makes me wonder if the stone was local or if it was hauled in from a distance. Either way, it's a great structure.
