Friday 30 August 2019

Tiny houses are nothing new

Saw this way off the road north of Hardisty, Alberta. I believe it was a house.

A telephoto lens makes life easier. This was on a hill on the other side of a small valley.


  1. It doesn't look that small in the closeup, maybe I'm picturing the front porch too big?

  2. Consider that my home for the last 13 years is a 149 square foot travel trailer.

  3. Whoever lived there probably raised 10 kids in that house.

  4. A great many people had houses that size, so you're right - they're not new. I don't suppose this one was quite as efficient as those they make today, but I'll bet it was home to a number of people.

  5. My Aunt Helen & Uncle Gene in South Carolina had an even stranger set up. 2 small houses. One was a couple of bedrooms with a bath and the other was a kitchen, sitting area and another bathroom. He was retired from the RR and raised hogs, she retired from being a nurse at the nut house in the city.
