Tuesday 27 August 2019

Panther Falls

I made another attempt at Panther Falls last Tuesday. This time I actually got to the falls. The trail is about 1/2km from the highway to the falls.

The falls are loud. The water is not so much falling as it is exploding off the top. You can get closer than this however this is about the closest I could get a photo due to the mist in the air. I might try it again in September.


  1. Doesn't get much more rugged than that. And spectacular!

  2. That second picture, the on with the rock missing from that overhang in a straight line? That is different, I wonder how that came to be?

  3. Oh, too be there... Thanks for sharing.

  4. My knees might even handle that trail. The falls were nice also. Thank you.

  5. Very spectacular! Worth the hike to see, for sure.
