Tuesday 20 February 2018

The abandoned grain elevator post

Which is exactly what this is. Truth in advertising. 

This is in Esther, Alberta which is essentially a ghost town.


  1. And that must have been the elevator agent's house, right beside it.

  2. I went to google maps & took a look with the satellite view. https://goo.gl/maps/AmfyNUuqxgT2

    Near as I can tell the grain elevator was next to the railroad tracks (that have been removed). BRBs in the field to the west...

    I was in the line yesterday going back into the US from Los Algodones MX & the lady next to me was from Saskatchewan. I thought about the Alberta pictures you put up on your blog...

    1. You are right. The rail line was taken out years ago. There never was much of a town here and removing the rail line contributed to killing it.
