Saturday, 31 December 2022
2022 Retrospective

Friday, 30 December 2022
De Winton, Alberta elevator from Dale Redekopp
Thursday, 29 December 2022
Wednesday, 28 December 2022
Monday, 26 December 2022
Turkey hangover
Sunday, 25 December 2022
Saturday, 24 December 2022
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
This cannot be right
My dishwasher arrived yesterday after 4:00pm. It was the right colour. It was installed right. It seems to work perfectly and is quite quiet. Maybe the rest of the week will go well.
Currently in the midst of a nasty cold snap that will break by Friday. Temperatures around -35C are never fun.
Monday, 19 December 2022
How was your weekend?
Saturday I moved furniture from my mother's condo to her new residence in a retirement home in -25C weather.
Sunday I stocked her new digs with her clothes, her toaster and her kettle for her instant coffee, towels, and various odds and ends for her new place. The furniture got arranged, she can have me change it later if she does not like it. Her phone and cable is being set up. The whole building seems very friendly, the residents that I ask say they like it there. The dining area is nice. If all goes according to plan we have a move in date of December 23.
The real test of how well things are going in my life is tomorrow. Tuesday is the day I supposedly get my dishwasher. If that works out it just might be a Merry Christmas.
Friday, 16 December 2022
The dishwasher chronicles
Just received word that my dishwasher that was supposed to be delivered today is not being delivered today. I bought the dishwasher from Rona. I got one of those robo-calls yesterday telling me my dishwasher was to be delivered between 2:50pm and 5:50pm today. Why not just say between three and six? I got a phone call this afternoon from an actual person telling me the dishwasher was not going to be delivered, and neither was anyone else's that was scheduled for today. Maybe they should not use a third party company to serve their customers.
I was informed another delivery service is going to be used and they will refund part of my purchase. The amount that they are refunding will be sufficient to buy a nice bottle of port. Next Tuesday is the next delivery date and next instalment of this saga.
Thursday, 15 December 2022
"From anywhere . . . to anyone" - Canada Post's motto
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Monday, 12 December 2022
Busy, busy, busy
Friday December 9, 2022 was mom's birthday. She is now eighty-one. I had arranged weeks ago to have the day off.
On Thursday afternoon the day prior I received an email that there was a placement available at a senior residence in Drayton Valley. I had an appointment booked at 10:00am Friday morning just to see the place. I was able to change it to a meeting to discuss a placement.
Friday morning I met with the coordinator at the senior housing building and took the grand tour. Nice place, I am sure she will like it. I said we would take it. They gave me a package of paperwork to sign which I offered to sign then and there. No can do, you have to make a separate appointment to sign paperwork. Bureaucracy is just grand. They want me to come in on Tuesday. I am not sure if I can swing the time off.
Onward to the hospital to see mom for a quick visit. Then off to meet my sister who was meeting me at mom's place. Quick lunch with my sister then back to the hospital. Earlier in the week I had ordered two chocolate cakes with chocolate icing filling. I brought those, as well as some brownies, with some Sprite to the hospital. One cake got dropped off at the nursing station. I said it was my mom's birthday and we would like them to have cake on us.
Cake was served to mom and her roommate. I did not have any, anything really sweet bothers me and rarely eat anything sugary. Everyone said it was a good cake. About a quarter of the cake got eaten, the rest was left at the nursing station. They made out well. My sister and I ended up staying overnight at mom's condo doing some cleaning.
The next day after multiple delays my cousin's daughter showed up to take the couch and love seat. She ended up taking some more stuff. I asked her if she was bringing some help. She did, I still ended up helping to schlep the couch, love seat, end tables, a cabinet, and boxes of dishes. I have not had to move furniture out of place, into an elevator, and into a truck in years.
After they left I made three trips to take garbage from the condo to the bin. Then I moved a piece of furniture into my vehicle, then a visit to the hospital, then home. Sunday I spent doing nothing except making a run to the liquor store to stock up on some Merlot and Pinot Noir for Christmas. Later I will track down some Port. Priorities.
Sunday, 11 December 2022
The Dishwasher Chronicles - Part Two
Friday December 9, 2022 my dishwasher was delivered. I was out of town and had someone waiting at my place for the delivery. This is the second time that they delivered a stainless steel one when I ordered a black one. I had it sent back. I phoned the store and left a message on a voicemail.
Saturday I get a call from the store. The guy apologized. I said you did not have the decency to phone be back on the day the screw up occurred. I was fine until the last mistake because I realize that mistakes happen. This time I said with the latest incident that maybe the reason is that they do not care, are incompetent, or the actions are deliberate. If it is not right the next time they should owe me a dishwasher for free. Additionally I said this is in no way funny and I was out of town, which I was, and I cannot keep trying to arrange for someone to babysit my place for a dishwasher delivery.
I was told I will have it December 16 and it will be right. It should have been right the first time.
Friday, 9 December 2022
Elevator Friday by Dale Redekopp
Wednesday, 7 December 2022
Monday, 5 December 2022
The dishwasher chronicles
Bought a dishwasher last month.
November 29th it was supposed to be delivered. Received a phone call before eight in the morning that they did not have a truck available. They can deliver it on December 5.
It is December 5th and my dishwasher was supposed to be delivered this morning. Got a call that the truck was loaded in the wrong order so where I was to be first on the list I was now close to last on the list as my dishwasher was in the back of the truck. Fine, not a big deal.
This afternoon they deliver my dishwasher. It is has a stainless steel finish. I ordered black, my other appliances are black. I politely told them to take it back and bring me a black one. I await an update as to when I can get my black dishwasher.
The saga continues.
Sunday, 4 December 2022
Four slices of bacon to go
Over my past few visits to see mom in the hospital she had a specific request.
Mom wanted bacon.
The hospital sometimes serves eggs for breakfast but they do not serve bacon. Perfectly understandable, bacon is not exactly healthy, and she was in a hospital. Mom wanted me to get bacon for her and her roommate. I checked with the nursing station on my visit a week ago and there were no dietary restrictions, they both could have bacon. Therefore I agreed to supply bacon.
Yesterday morning I stopped for breakfast in Drayton Valley and when I finished I ordered four slices of bacon to go. Straight to the hospital to deliver two slices of bacon each to mom and her roommate. I would have got them more except that is all they wanted. It was a big hit. When I left the hospital there were two deer on the front lawn of a house across the street.
Other than that I got nothing accomplished. Mom was the most confused of any visit so far. The person who was supposed to pick up the couch and love seat from mom's condo canceled on me, her kids were sick. My sister who was to meet me never came as her, her husband, and her son all have some nasty illness like the flu and they sound like they are on the verge of death.
I drove home in the dark and did not encounter any suicidal deer. They are a menace. I will run out for another visit after work sometime this week and then for mom's birthday on Friday.
Friday, 2 December 2022
Thursday, 1 December 2022
Time for a bit of summer
Wednesday, 30 November 2022
State of the blog address
I consider November 30 to be the anniversary date of this blog. Or at least the date I picked to be the anniversary date.
Every year I think I will never find anything interesting or have any good road trips. Every year I manage to prove that wrong.
I have been busy lately and posting has taken a hit. Well, my contributions to this blog have taken a hit. I appreciate and thank people I know for allowing me to post some of their stuff. I have been so busy lately I have had not had to time to use the new camera I bought a few months ago. If interested, I bought a Nikon Coolpix P950. I have yet to take a photo with it.
Mom is still in the hospital. She will not be moving back home. She is at the point where she has to move into assisted living. She is still recovering from breaking her hip. She cannot get around without a walker and I very recently found out she has cognitive issues. I am going to have to look after more of her affairs. She understands she cannot live on her own and that we have to sell her condo. I am trying to get appointments with senior living facilities.
I made a few calls to relatives to see if anyone would be interested in a few items of hers. I have to clean out her place so it can be sold. I thought it would have taken me a bit of time to get rid of the bigger items like her couch and love seat. I lucked out and got someone to take it off my hands. It is going a bit better than I thought.
The placement staff at the hospital appear to be a lot of help so far and I think I can get her placed in Drayton Valley, which is what she wants.
I now have her 2013 Kia Soul that looks like it rolled off the showroom floor and only has 55,000km on it. I now have three vehicles so I will have to reduce the fleet. I am keeping the Soul, it is cheaper on gas than my other vehicles.
Just to make my life more inconvenient my dishwasher died about five or six months ago. I finally bought a new one ten days ago. I got a Bosch on sale, bought new hoses, paid for installation, and for them to remove the old dishwasher. I had someone disconnect the old one (my new one was being delivered a week later). Everything was dry, a day later a valve in the line connecting the dishwasher chose to fail and a small amount of water was on my kitchen floor. Unfortunately there was just enough water that leaked somewhere and caused the ceiling in the condo unit below me to have a water stain on the ceiling. I called my insurance company to report a possible insurance claim and got a plumber in to check everything so that I do not have any leaks anywhere. There looks to be very little damage to the unit below. Of course my dishwasher delivery got bumped to December 5. Maybe I will get it in time for Christmas.
The blog has been a bit of a challenge this year. I still enjoy doing it, finding the time has been a challenge. There are unique benefits, people discover me and send me questions about posts from the past. This is always fun. Sometimes I get to meet people online and in person through this blog. The blog also lets me express what little creativity I possess.
Have some fun and get out and explore when you can.