Wednesday 30 November 2022

State of the blog address

I consider November 30 to be the anniversary date of this blog. Or at least the date I picked to be the anniversary date.

Every year I think I will never find anything interesting or have any good road trips. Every year I manage to prove that wrong.

I have been busy lately and posting has taken a hit. Well, my contributions to this blog have taken a hit. I appreciate and thank people I know for allowing me to post some of their stuff. I have been so busy lately I have had not had to time to use the new camera I bought a few months ago. If interested, I bought a Nikon Coolpix P950. I have yet to take a photo with it.

Mom is still in the hospital. She will not be moving back home. She is at the point where she has to move into assisted living. She is still recovering from breaking her hip. She cannot get around without a walker and I very recently found out she has cognitive issues. I am going to have to look after more of her affairs. She understands she cannot live on her own and that we have to sell her condo. I am trying to get appointments with senior living facilities.

I made a few calls to relatives to see if anyone would be interested in a few items of hers. I have to clean out her place so it can be sold. I thought it would have taken me a bit of time to get rid of the bigger items like her couch and love seat. I lucked out and got someone to take it off my hands. It is going a bit better than I thought.

The placement staff at the hospital appear to be a lot of help so far and I think I can get her placed in Drayton Valley, which is what she wants.

I now have her 2013 Kia Soul that looks like it rolled off the showroom floor and only has 55,000km on it. I now have three vehicles so I will have to reduce the fleet. I am keeping the Soul, it is cheaper on gas than my other vehicles.

Just to make my life more inconvenient my dishwasher died about five or six months ago. I finally bought a new one ten days ago. I got a Bosch on sale, bought new hoses, paid for installation, and for them to remove the old dishwasher. I had someone disconnect the old one (my new one was being delivered a week later). Everything was dry, a day later a valve in the line connecting the dishwasher chose to fail and a small amount of water was on my kitchen floor. Unfortunately there was just enough water that leaked somewhere and caused the ceiling in the condo unit below me to have a water stain on the ceiling. I called my insurance company to report a possible insurance claim and got a plumber in to check everything so that I do not have any leaks anywhere. There looks to be very little damage to the unit below. Of course my dishwasher delivery got bumped to December 5. Maybe I will get it in time for Christmas.

The blog has been a bit of a challenge this year. I still enjoy doing it, finding the time has been a challenge. There are unique benefits, people discover me and send me questions about posts from the past. This is always fun. Sometimes I get to meet people online and in person through this blog. The blog also lets me express what little creativity I possess.

Have some fun and get out and explore when you can.


  1. I understand your situation. Been there done that. Be at peace that we will be happy with whatever you choose to do but I do like your blog and will enjoy it when you get time in the future to post, Thank you for your efforts and especially taking care of your mother.

  2. Life takes precedence over the fun stuff, even over big round bales of hay.
    I enjoy your blog & the photos from places I've never been.
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Happy Blogoversary! Yes, sometimes Real Life takes over and blogging slows down. I hope you get your new dishwasher soon.

  4. Sometimes life just gets in the way of some of our pursuits and I guess we just have to roll with it. I own, and have worn out, the t-shirt that involves care for an elderly parent. Truthfully I've worn out 2 shirts. Don't worry about blogging less, we're happy to visit you whenever you have time.
