Monday 7 November 2022

Random Monday thoughts

I recently completed a twelve course program. About a month ago I got an email about the graduation ceremony. I emailed back that I was not attending.

I got a phone call this afternoon asking if I was attending. I politely said I would decline. I only took the courses because they were one way to fulfill the continuing education requirements for my job. I will have to hunt down some other courses to meet next year's credit hours.

Personally I just do not like attending ceremonies. I attended my high school graduation long enough to get my diploma. When I realized I did not have to attend some of these things to get the piece of paper then I was content to let them mail it to me. My college diploma was mailed to me as well as my university degree. At one time I posted on this topic before that I am not big on attending these kinds of things. I am not against them, they are just not for me.

If I attend any more courses that eventually add up to another certificate or diploma I look forward to not attending that event as well.


  1. Graduation ceremonies DO tend to be dull, dull, dull, it's true. The shine comes off the apple pretty quick.

  2. What's the difference between the two?
    >>college diploma was mailed to me as well as my university degree.<<
    Different schools?

    1. In Canada only universities can grant degrees.

  3. I am with you, BW, I didn't attend my high school or college graduations. I went into the high school that next week to pick up my diploma and was told the principle was the only one who could give it to me and he was on vacation for two weeks. I turned around, left and I have never went back to retrieve it and it never has been a detriment to me for not having it.

    1. I know I completed it and can produce it if required. That is all that ever mattered to me.

    2. I applied to do a workcamping job and one of the requirements was to "see" my high school diploma or GED... I was 63 then and have no idea where the diploma was. I got in contact with the school/district, sent them $5 of something and they mailed me a copy of the transcript, that was good enough for whoever wanted to see it.
      That was the only time I recall needing it... wait a second, I think the Coast Guard wanted to see it before I could enlist...

  4. This sort of gathering is not for me either. At different times in my life it was much better to: go for a bike ride, a drive in the country, visit someone I care about or just have a nap. And that's that.

  5. I wouldn't have gone either and don't get me started on school reunions.
