Monday 12 December 2022

Busy, busy, busy

Friday December 9, 2022 was mom's birthday. She is now eighty-one. I had arranged weeks ago to have the day off.

On Thursday afternoon the day prior I received an email that there was a placement available at a senior residence in Drayton Valley. I had an appointment booked at 10:00am Friday morning just to see the place. I was able to change it to a meeting to discuss a placement.

Friday morning I met with the coordinator at the senior housing building and took the grand tour. Nice place, I am sure she will like it. I said we would take it. They gave me a package of paperwork to sign which I offered to sign then and there. No can do, you have to make a separate appointment to sign paperwork. Bureaucracy is just grand. They want me to come in on Tuesday. I am not sure if I can swing the time off. 

Onward to the hospital to see mom for a quick visit. Then off to meet my sister who was meeting me at mom's place. Quick lunch with my sister then back to the hospital. Earlier in the week I had ordered two chocolate cakes with chocolate icing filling. I brought those, as well as some brownies, with some Sprite to the hospital. One cake got dropped off at the nursing station. I said it was my mom's birthday and we would like them to have cake on us.

Cake was served to mom and her roommate. I did not have any, anything really sweet bothers me and rarely eat anything sugary. Everyone said it was a good cake. About a quarter of the cake got eaten, the rest was left at the nursing station. They made out well. My sister and I ended up staying overnight at mom's condo doing some cleaning.

The next day after multiple delays my cousin's daughter showed up to take the couch and love seat. She ended up taking some more stuff. I asked her if she was bringing some help. She did, I still ended up helping to schlep the couch, love seat, end tables, a cabinet, and boxes of dishes. I have not had to move furniture out of place, into an elevator, and into a truck in years.

After they left I made three trips to take garbage from the condo to the bin. Then I moved a piece of furniture into my vehicle, then a visit to the hospital, then home. Sunday I spent doing nothing except making a run to the liquor store to stock up on some Merlot and Pinot Noir for Christmas. Later I will track down some Port. Priorities.


  1. I'm glad you found a good place for your Mom to live! Yes, it is busy and intense taking care of all those details, isn't it!

  2. Hopefully you will not use your Christmas stock of wine to ward off the disappointment if your dishwasher is not right this time.

  3. You're a good son. Bringing cake for your mother but also for the nurses is a really nice thing to do.
