Thursday 14 December 2017

Abandoned Alberta

Spotted December 10, 2017 near Spruce View, Alberta. A lot of these are becoming popular because people are stealing the wood. Years ago if anyone had told me that wood from old home and barns would become sought after I never would have believed them.


  1. I guess it's good the wood is being saved, but bad when it's thieves that do it.

  2. It's too bad when people steal this, makes me wonder now when I see reclaimed wood crafts lol.

  3. I'm with Jenn...I look a bit suspiciously on those crafts people who sell reclaimed wood. Either way, who ever is doing this they're ruining it for everyone.

  4. Let's not be painting with too broad a brush...
    A lot of crafters ask for permission to dismantle old barns and houses.
