Thursday 25 July 2024

New first

Walked around the table twice. I had to  have both hands on the table at all times to support myself. First time I did this.

My balance is good. I can stand without holding on to something. I cannot walk without some means of support.


  1. Look at how far you've come! And you'll go even farther with more rehab.

  2. Congratulations.

    only those of us that have recovered from an injury can appreciate the work you are putting in and the success you are achieving.

  3. I know it's not easy but celebrate the small milestones because together they add up to a lot.

  4. Your doing great! That pain will likely come and go for some time. Shorter if you could find the right massage therapist imo. But they are few and far in between. Its good your being forced to deal with it ( pain) without the strong pain relievers... Addiction happens and folks do crazy things... But sometimes something more than T3 should be available imo... Keep up the good work!
