Wednesday 24 July 2024

Actually the rest of my day went better . . .

After some pain and agony the last few days I matched my personal best today of two hundred fifteen feet using a two-wheeled walker. I think I badly sprained a muscle that is getting better.

For those that are curious, if I need painkillers they do give them to me. Many weeks ago I was on Morphine or Dilaudid for pain. The strongest stuff I get in the rehabilitation hospital is Tylenol 3. I have had days where Tylenol 3 does not do much for the pain. For me it usually takes about an hour before I start to feel it helping me.


  1. Glad that Tylenol 3 can help a bit, even if it does take a while to kick in. Those poor muscles -- probably doesn't take much to strain them in their condition right now. But glad you're soldiering on!

  2. That is what my husband found after his spinal fusion. Tylenol 3 didn't always help. And thanks to our over protective government you had to pull hen's teeth to get anything better.
    Congratulations on the walking! I am praying for you.
    Be safe and God bless.

  3. I have bouts of severe back pain due to nerve damage caused by a crushed vertabra in my spine. Dilaudid or morphine is the only thing that works. It is what it is....a better life through science.

  4. Dang! 215 feet! You are doing GREAT!! (Even if it is 115' like earlier, that is still great!) Well done!
    When I was hospitalized for burns many years ago, they gave me the same: Dilaudid or morphine, then T3s after I was released. Yes, sometimes the Tylenol was inadequate. Oy!
    But you are still keeping on, which is, frankly, the only thing TO do.

  5. It's so unfortunate that they can't come up with a good pain killer that's not addictive. You certainly don't want to try taking Oxycodin (sp?) because that stuff is dangerous. Tylenol 3 is the lesser of the evils but it's too bad that it's not quite doing the job.

  6. Many years ago I had a horse riding wreck resulting in broken collarbone and broken shoulder blade. At ER got my one and only shot of Demerol which didn't noticeably reduce the pain. When I told my pharmacist brother this, he said (unlike morphine) synthetic opioids don't alleviate pain, they only increase your threshold for tolerating pain.
