Tuesday 13 June 2023

Bee shelters

Those little triangular "tents" you see near some of the bright yellow fields of Canola or alfalfa crops could be thought of as ten camping for bees - hard working bees that is. The tents, or shelters, provide ideal habitat for leafcutter bees that in turn work very hard pollinating female canola flowers to produce hybrid seed. There are other forms of these shelters described as blue domes and box-like structures.

                  - Dale Redekopp



  1. I'd never heard of Leafcutter bees before, had to look them up. A native species too!

  2. The bee huts are a great idea. Bees are hard workers.

    I often see their handywork while gardening. They particularly like roses and cut perfect semicircles into the leaves. One of nature's little marvels in my opinion.

  3. How interesting! I wouldn't have known what those 'tents' were.
