Tuesday 25 May 2021

Flowerdale / May Pole School 1914 - 1953

North of Bodo, Alberta. I recently discovered this and was a little irked as I had been in the area several times before and somehow missed it. The school is quite small.


  1. 1953 was 68 years ago...

  2. 68+39 more years = 117 since she first went up with carted lumber. The official name of Flower Dale did not suit those that went so it was commonly called Maypole according to local history books. The coal load door is seen here too.

  3. Er... 68+39=107 years. Typo or mistake? - either way an error.

  4. Wonder how many students it served - probably not very many when it's so small.

  5. According to the book "Early furrows : a story of our early pioneers in Provost, Hayter, Bodo, Alberta and surrounding districts" p379, the school had 25-30 pupils in 1919.It also was the center of social activities - box xocials, concerts and the like.
