Thursday 14 June 2018

Abandoned church in Simmie, Saskatchewan

Simmie, Saskatchewan, June 9, 2018. Right beside it on the right just out of view is a yard full of junk. Someone is using this old church as storage space. I do not know what church or denomination. I wish it could have had a better fate.

I should have spent a bit more time checking this out. I knew there was a storm forecast and there were a few places I wanted to fit in before it hit. I found out that Michael Truman had been to this area and was nice enough to email photos of this spot. I asked him to write up a post since his photos were better than mine. His post follows this one. His post is better than mine.


  1. Both posts are great, I like seeing the same subject by different people. This is a place I would like to see someday!

  2. Is this the United Church in Simmie? I served there the summer of 1961 as a student minister. Admiral was on the same charge. I served 40 years in Saskatchewan (Aneroid, Ponteix, Kincaid, Second Street in Saskatoon) , then came back to Ontario to serve in Barrie, Alliston, and ended up as Volunteer Assoc. Minister in Midland. Now I am retired living in Millbrook, Ontario, south of Peterborough. I am in the process of writing my memories of living in Saskatchewan and I was looking for the churches I served there. I believe I was the first student who lived in that granary turned into manse (no running water, no washroom, no phone) went to Mary and Les Stephenson's place for my weekly bath. Bev Irwin
