Tim allowed me to use his photos for a post today.
Friday, 29 July 2022
Thursday, 28 July 2022
Wednesday, 27 July 2022
Mo knows Jasper
Jasper, Alberta is one of my favourite places. Every year I buy a year pass that gets you access to all of the national parks in Canada. Cpt Mo was in Jasper recently and really captured some great images.
Enjoy another Cpt Mo post.
Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Abandoned Alberta and Canola
Quick Sunday drive to this old house near Bittern Lake, Alberta. The Canola was more yellow than it shows in the pictures. Soon the bloom will come off the Canola and I will look forward to seeing it again next year.
Monday, 25 July 2022
Sunday, 24 July 2022
Saturday, 23 July 2022
Friday, 22 July 2022
Friday featuring Tim Lockhart
I thought I had taken a lot of elevator photos until I ran across Tim Lockhart. I am beginning to think there is not an elevator in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and possibly Manitoba that he has not seen.
There are remains of a rail roundhouse at Big Valley, Alberta. I asked if I could post these as I found them interesting.
Thursday, 21 July 2022
Random text post
I answered a call at work and the person on the other end stated "They let me out".
I knew instantly who it was.
I have this client, nice guy, who has a few issues. Every time I hear from him he is nice, funny, engaging, and talks to me like I am his long lost brother. Then I go for a month or two not hearing from him. He has admitted in the past that he is on medication, what for is not specified and I do not pry, and occasionally he has to spend some time in a hospital to get his life back on track.
Once he is released he calls me to regale me with his grandiose plans and how he is going to take me along for the ride and make me rich. It is entertaining when he calls and so far he is harmless. Whatever he is experiencing has to be a struggle.
I hope he is doing okay.
Sunshine Gospel Mission
Sent to me by Dale and Lynn Redekopp. This is not far from Eckville, Alberta and one of the few places I have not managed to visit.
A couple of fellow bloggers have beat me to it.
Dale Redekopp,
Lynn Redekopp
Wednesday, 20 July 2022
Guest post of a sort: Cpt Mo
I am on Instagram as BWBandy. On my Instagram page I do not mention that I have a blog. Cpt Mo on Instagram sent me a message months ago asking if I was the same BWBandy that has this blog. Guilty as charged. I do not cross promote my blog on other platforms because it is just a hobby for me. When I first joined Instagram I totally misunderstood what it was, I thought it was some kind of photo site. I do follow a number of people that use it to post photos because I like to see their work and I have messaged a few of them. I still do not really know what is the point of Instagram nor do I care. I just use it to peruse photos.
I have conversed via Instagram messenger with Cpt Mo on an irregular basis as we have a shared interest in subject matter for photos. I suggested on a few occasions that Cpt Mo should start a blog to post them as I think a lot of them are really good (better than my stuff) and should have a wider audience. At the very least I asked if I could post a few of Cpt Mo's photos on this blog. By the way, I have never met Cpt Mo, I was told Cpt Mo's name but forgot it. Anyway I got permission to post a few of Cpt Mo's photos. Here are some of the ones that caught my eye.
Tuesday, 19 July 2022
Ranching country
Along Highway 520 west from Claresholm, Alberta to Highway 22. Nice gravel highway that takes you into the foothills.
Monday, 18 July 2022
Volin Church 1931
Southeast of Dunvegan, Alberta in a rural area with not much in the vicinity. Found this one on the internet and it was on my list of places to see. Finally got here July 2, 2022.
Fenced grave beside the church.
I could not get the doors open. I was able to pry them apart enough to stick my camera in and get a shot of the inside.

I am a fan of simple crosses.
Sunday, 17 July 2022
Old time log house
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