Monday 8 April 2019

I might need to start making a checklist

Set off on my weekend road trip this last weekend and forgot to bring the dashcam that I bought. I also forgot to bring the battery charger for my camera. To complete the trifecta I had walked out the door and left the snacks for my road trip on the kitchen table.

It could have been worse. I once set off for the weekend and arrived at my destination to discover I forgot my bag of clothes on my bed.


  1. You need a camera bag BW. And a travelling duffel. I dunno what it is but for me, by categorizing and putting my plunder into duffels, I just seem to remember my preps better.

  2. I couldn't survive without my lists (and even then I always seem to manage to forget something).

    1. Or I just leave the stuff in the car on a permanent basis.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Now THERE's a thought! (removed the previous comment because I neglected to proofread....oops).

  3. Yes, a checklist is definitely in order!

  4. Don't worry, it will get worse as you get older until it sort of becomes a game to see what you do remember.
