Monday 23 September 2024

Hospital roommates

The majority of the time I was in the hospital I had two roommates in a room that was only set up to accommodate two beds.

One of those roommates I will call Jack, not  his real name. The only redeeming quality Jack had was that he was quiet.

He was in the hospital for rehabilitation due to being stabbed in the neck.

Jack liked to steal hand sanitizer. The stuff would come in containers with a hand pump to squirt some on your hands so you could kill germs. He would steal it and drink it. The contents would be emptied into a travel mug and he would drink it all day with a straw. Staff would hide hand sanitizer on the ward so it would not be liberated by my roommate. Once is a while they would search his room when he was not it and take back full containers that he managed to steal. Occasionally staff would find him passed out at various places in the hospital. A few times he was found passed out on the floor beside his bed.

He would disappear for hours at a time. Sometimes he would roll out in a wheelchair at some early hour like two in the morning. There is nothing to do in a hospital at that time, I would guess he would go outside to smoke.

Visiting hours were over at 10:00pm. He was quiet, his occasional late night company after visiting hours were not quiet. My other roommate said Jack had sex in his bed once very late at night with either his wife or girlfriend. Thankfully I had slept through that. Painkillers really help you sleep.

He was eventually discharged. I am not sure if the administration decided if there was nothing further they could do for him or they just were fed up.


  1. He drank hand sanitizer? Yeewww. But I've heard of people drinking aftershave for the alcohol content so I would assume this would be the same. Odd though. Bet you were glad to see him gone!

  2. It says a little about determination,,, being Able to drink sanitizer. Not that I'd know how bad it tastes,, but I'm pretty sure it's Bad. Gross,,
    Too bad you didn't get The Rest of the Story.. I wonder if it's
    Stabbed in the neck, rasslin over the last Good sanitizer.
