Tuesday 25 June 2024

Why do parallel bars never meet? Because no one introduced them.

Still making attempts to walk with the assistance of a walker. Best today is thirty-six feet. I asked the physiotherapist if I could try the parallel bars. I was not allowed to walk as the physiotherapist said I am not far enough along. I said I just wanted to stand and try it out. One day I will be trying this equipment. I marked the occasion with a photo.


  1. In good time OFM

  2. You are looking very good. Praise God for all blessings.

  3. I used to do a lot of distance running. I wasn't great at it but it was a good stress reliever.

    The conventional wisdom was that a typical runner could increase their weekly total distance by 10% every week.

    It looks to me like you are progressing much faster than that. It is important to have realistic goals and then to celebrate when you meet or exceed those goals.

  4. You go BW! One step at a time... You'll get there!

  5. Keep your eye on the goal and you'll get there. You just don't want to rush it and set yourself back.

  6. Lookin' good with your smart-ass smile! You'll be using those bars for real soon enough, I would think!

  7. Hang in there… it will get better
