Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Too soon

I have not used the crutches for about a week. I have not done a lot of anything for about a week. Somehow I hurt myself and I have been taking it easy dealing with some knee and leg pain. The pain was bad enough that I had to resort to taking a few of my prescription painkillers. Things have got better yesterday and I am slowly ramping up the exercise. There are times during my recovery where your body tells you to take a break. I might have done too much too soon.

Today is another day. Back at it.


  1. Live and learn, I guess. I hope that pain is gone soon.

  2. One day a time my friend, that's progress!

  3. You’re looking a LOT better these days Dale. What are you doing to keep busy?

  4. It's human nature to want to do too much too soon and then you have to listen to what your body is telling you.

  5. Patience is a virtue... and in my current situation, which is by no means as bad as you have had to deal with... I don't have a lot of patience.
    My physical therapist came to my home this week and got up on my feet using a walker... it hurts but I'm upright... and she reminded me that bad days have a way of following good days and you have to deal with it... which I will... but I won't like it.

    Hope that you are feeling better a few days out. I too have a stash of pain pills that I'm trying to avoid taking, but I may have to...

    sending prayers and positive thoughts to you BW!
