Monday, 13 January 2025

The sockening

January 5 I was able to put on socks for the first time since the accident on February 16, 2024. January 12 I was able to do it for the second time.

I did not bother trying to do it for myself for a week. After I did it the first time I got really apprehensive that I might not be able to do it again. Yesterday I got up the nerve to try it and it was kind of easy. Strange the things you get hung up on.

Another reason I left it was that I am still wearing compression stockings with no toe. Health care is trying to arrange compression socks. The stockings are a pain to get socks over them. Last week I gave myself a break from wearing them. I did the same yesterday.

I was told I might have to wear them for the rest of my life. I am hoping eventually I do not have to do it.

About a month ago I bought a sock aid, a device to help you put on your socks. I have not used it. I bought it to remind me to keep working away and get to the point where I no longer needed an assist. I did not want to accept things, I want to get back as much as possible to where I was before the accident.

Yesterday with multiple trips over the course of the day walking the halls and the underground parkade I managed to walk with the walker just over a mile for the first time in many months. The endeavour was spaced out over ten hours. I will pay for pushing it as it was about one thousand feet more than what I have done. I will spend the next few days recovering from the stiffness and the aches. I had to know if I could do it.


  1. Keep Grinding, Sir!
    Never give up!
    You are in our prayers!

    Doc Mike

  2. I am impressed with your fortitude here.

  3. A mile is a long long way with a walker. Well done BW!

  4. A mile is a long long way with a walker BW!

  5. Very cool on the socks, and the mile. You've earned a couple of rest/rebuild days.

  6. Your tenacity bolsters me... I too can't wait to be able to walk again and it will probably be with a walker for a while.
    Compression socks are a pain in the butt... my brother had some that zipped and they were a bit easier to deal with.
    Sending prayers your way that every day sees improvement.

  7. A mile is awesome! And the rests in between are absolutely crucial. They will become shorter periods and the urge to some more will likely keep you pushing the boundaries. (And I imagine those compression socks are a pia...)

  8. Compression socks are a royal pain from what I hear, so hopefully they won't be necessary for much longer. I guess you'll have to do what you have to do, but the goal is to get rid of them. Good on you for walking a mile - that's a huge achievement!
